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Lucas Walker

Slyde Art [SYN•DI•CATE]

Art collaboration/Background:

Slyde Handboards,


Not only does he have possibly the greatest name alive , Our very good friend Luke is a also super talented animator who for the last 8 years has helped bring your favorite crew Cartman, Stan and the boys to life. (I told you he was talented) He took out one of our Slyde boards on more than a few sessions and was totally stoked with the experience and it inspired him to create his own ode to what it felt like to him to Handboard (see below). He will be working with us in the very near future to bring us more insane art work for the new Line of Slyde handboards. Luke also spent over 2 months creating the now classic Slyde animation (View below) Every frame hand drawn in a remarkable story of stoke and being a water-man. Luke is an avid surfer and when he's not surfing he is dreaming up animated versions of his life he resides in Venice Beach and rides his bike everywhere. He was recently robbed and is very unhappy about it!

Art by Luke

lucas walker slyding handboarder and bodysurfer
lucas walker slyding handboarder and bodysurfer artist