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Paul watts

Have Fun
HOME TOWN:  Durban South Africa or anywhere there is good surf!
Date of Birth:  November 3, 1979
HobbiesLoads of stuff!! too much to mention but the Beach seems to be my favorite
Favorite Surfer: Kel's as usual
Motto: For me today and you tomorrow "Inkas way of life"”
Who inspires you the most?:  David Attenborough/ Wildlife / The Sea
What is your greatest fear?: Nothing I am hard like nails!!!
​Last time you wore a tie?: Hmmmmm well who knows!!
Favorite non-surf film?: Pumpkin patch
Number one on your bucket list?  Boat trip to Indo for surfing
Favorite waves:  Nias, lagudri Bay, Nicaragura, Colorodo's
Favorite maneuvers:  ARS Smithy style!
Favorite country to visit or want to visit:  Everywhere there is surf.
What would you do if you won the lottery?:  Bing Drink for a week and buy some jelly tots oooowww and Nik-Naks for a world wide oddesey spanning 10 years to discover the meaning of life and where is the holy grail .
slyde handboards paul watts rider for slyde bodysurfing handplanes

Video's from Slyde Ryder Paul Watts

Pic's from Slyde Ryder Paul Watts
