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Slyde's Best Instagram Photos of 2013

2 min read

Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013
We posted hundreds of photos on instagram in 2013 and we're stoked on how many of our instagram followers loved them too!  Here are our 13 best instagram photos throughout 2013 showcased for your viewing pleasure.  

Instagram Photos of 2013

Photo 1

A sick shot of a bodysurfing spreading the stoke and making the most of small waves.


Photo 2

Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

A stunning sunset at the Santa Monica Pier during the first of the summer concert series.


Photo 3


Natasha Overin Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

Slyde Ryder Natasha Overin shredding a frothy beast of a wave.  Photo by Jordan Anast.


Photo 4


Stoke Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

A little waterwoman shredding with attitude and spreading the stoke of Slyde.


Photo 5

the green room Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

A beautiful shot into "the green room".  If someone ever asks you refer to this image as description.


Photo 6

impact Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

Jason Zite's photo of a bodysurfer moments before impact at The Wedge in Newport Beach, CA.


Photo 7

Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

A sick off the wall shot from photographer Morgan Grosskreutz in Florida.


Photo 8

Chloe Torres Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

Slyde Junior Team Captain Chloe "Coco" Torres catching some sand barrels on a flat day in North Carolina.


Photo 9

Slyde Store Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

The shiny wall of stoke at the new Slyde Store in the Gingerbread Shopping Court on the Venice Boardwalk.


Photo 10

NPI Productions Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

Dalton Smith of NPI Productions getting #shacked and throwing up some shaka.


Photo 11

Zach Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

Desmond Port's photo of Slyde Ryder Zachariah Zeiger riding a frothy barrel at The Wedge.


Photo 12

Venice Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

A beautiful Venice Beach sunset overlooking the Slyde Store in the Gingerbread Shopping Court.


Photo 13

Willy Cole Slyde's best instagram photos of 2013

Slyde Ryder Willy Cole pulling into an absolute gem.  Photo courtesy of Morgan Grosskreutz.


To see the rest of our instagram photos, follow us @slydehandboards.  Here's to the new year, new stoke and the new instagram photos to come!

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